Helping to Bridge the Trust &
Information Gaps Between
Clients & Their Lawyers
About Me
I’m Michael Brady.
I Help Clients Gain Clarity & Understanding of Their Particular Areas of Concern.
Let me share with you how I got here…
I was incarcerated for 22+ years. Spent a lot of time pondering situations as they surfaced. There was no one to assist me inside the correctional facility and legal help was almost nonexistent.
Out of necessity, I learned a lot about law and was now able to help myself. During this process of self-help, I also learned there were a number of other incarcerated individuals who were caught in similar situations. Some even felt they could not trust their lawyer was truly looking out for their best interests.
In certain situations the clients were right and in other situations they were wrong. But due to my gained knowledge and the success I experienced helping myself, it allowed me to connect with them, earn their trust, and help where needed by educating them on the laws affecting their situation.
What Clients Are Saying

David G.

Annie P.

Dontese C.

Rich C.